Farm Street Livestream
We are looking for volunteers to work with our livestream team in the church.
If you would like to help, please contact

Mass Schedule
Monday to Friday 08:00 | 13:05 | 18:00
Saturday 10:00 | 18:00 (Vigil Mass)
Sunday 08:00 | 09:30(Family Mass) | 11:00(Solemn - First Sunday of the month in Latin)| 12:30 | 17:30 | 19:00 (Young Adult, 18-35)
For the text of the Mass in English, please click here. For the text of the Mass in Latin, click here.
Act of Spiritual Communion
Lord Jesus Christ, You are the bread of life and the one true vine. As we hear you say, "This is my Body, this is my Blood”, may we come to believe more deeply that you are present with us. Be present in our hearts as we search for you, as we wait for you, as we long for you. Open our hearts more fully to those you call your body, especially the poor, the sick, the sad and the lonely. Joined to you in the Eucharist, the whole of creation gives thanks to God. May we all become a full part of that thanksgiving as members of your body and of the world your Father has created.
Jesus, I believe you are present in the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You and draw closer to You. Since I cannot receive Your Body and Blood sacramentally at this time, come to me spiritually. Help me to embrace You more deeply and unite myself more wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from Your love. Amen
Have you been away from the Church? Are you looking for new ways to explore your faith? Then Landings London would like to warmly invite you to reconnect through our relaxed, informal meetings based around storytelling and discussions in small groups.