
Farm Street is the headquarters of the Landings Programme for returning Catholics in the UK Landings is an 8-week programme for Catholics who are returning to the practice of the Faith after time away. The programme is run by returners themselves and built on personal testimony and compassionate listening. If you or someone you know is thinking of returning to the practice of faith and would like some help to reconnect please be in touch by emailing

You are assured of a warm welcome, compassionate listening and a friendly welcoming community to help you or someone you know take what is often a difficult step.


Returning to the Church? Looking to explore your faith in a deeper way? 

We warmly invite you to Landings London, where you can reconnect through our relaxed, informal meetings based around storytelling and discussions in small groups. Led by ordinary Church-goers, Landings offers a hospitable, confidential, and a non-judging environment where all are welcome!

Join us for a commitment-free session.