The Farm Street Choir
There has been a strong musical tradition at Farm Street Church for well over a hundred and fifty years. The professional choir sings at the 11:00 Solemn Mass each week throughout the year and can also be heard at the major Feasts such as Christmas and Easter. The choir’s repertoire includes music from the 16th - 21st centuries as well as traditional Gregorian Chant. Choir also sings for the many weddings and memorial services. Our Parish organists also provide music for the 9.30 Mass on Sundays.
Click here for this month’s 11am Music List.
Listen to The Choir
Here are some tracks from our latest CD, which is available for purchase at reception on 114 Mount Street.

The 5.30 Music Group
The 5-30 Music Group is a small group of musicians who provide music for the 17:30 Masses on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. It is open and welcomes musicians and singers to join the group. The group sings a wide variety of liturgical music.
They rehearse in the the church at 16:45 on the Sundays when they sing for the 17:30 Masses.

A History of Music
Founded over one hundred and fifty years ago, the choirs of Farm Street have developed and grown over the years. Read the full history of music, including information on notable organists and composers.